My workouts

Friday, February 01, 2008

Dreaming about running

Recently I have been dreaming about running… you know… a glorious run through Springtime air, spotlit by golden rays or sunshine… not a care in the world… on autopilot… just one finely tuned human machine fast forwarding through the world on the wings of a gentle breeze. Then I wake up however, to the reality that I have not ran a step in over two weeks. Yuck.

No… I am not injured… I just was very busy, lost some motivation and one missed run turned to two… then three… then two weeks. I did at some point make a mental shift and decide that family is more important than running… and running during dinner 3 nights a week in the cold rain was more than I was willing to tolerate. I do miss running though, and am scheming about ways to get it back in my life.

Plan #1, I find a golden stopwatch to freeze time. Ok, plan #2, for my weekday runs… I run… AT LUNCH. Ok Ok… so there is a bit of a problem about how to fit consuming some food AND a 1.5 hour run into just one hour, but it is a start. We have a shower at work here. I could come in early too, thus avoiding running in the dark. This plan has some legs! Now I just need to get my legs… back out there and on the street.


David H. said...

what about just waking up earlier and doing it in the morning?

Runtime said...

The is a good idea David... and in the summer I will probably do it... but right now I am tired of running in the cold and dark.

runliarun said...

Oh, lunch would work if you have 1.5 hours. You can get in 3-4 miles, a shower, and some food without problems. Provided you don't have to go too far for the food. If there is a will, there is a way. Well... most of the time.