My workouts

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A crystal clear run

During one of my runs on the weekend on in the hills at the beach, I noticed a cool rock in the road. It was off on a spur where they are just put new rock down for a logging road. The rocks were not small… this wasn’t a Sunday drive for a sedan type road… but something the logging equipment could use to get in and out.

The rock was clear and had small crystals in it. I spend a lot of time picking up rocks when we are on the beach… so we already have a collection of interesting ones. These were much larger though. Looking around through the new road I found the best ones I could carry and ran the rest of the way home with them.

They appear to be quartz… very common, but the clear ones are cool. The next day the family hiked back up and we all collected the best ones we could find. I will try to snap some pictures when I get a chance.

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