My workouts

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I think a half marathon registration should be ½ the cost of a full marathon. Right? We pay near full price for half the running enjoyment. That’s just not right.

There was a time when I was running and I turned a corner and completely forgot where I was. It was like my brain rebooted. I kept running but I had no idea from my surroundings were I was. After a few seconds I remembered. I think I invented sleep running.

When I run next to the Hillsboro Airport, every once in awhile there will be a bird sitting on the fence next to the airport. When it sees me coming… if flies another 50 feet down the fence. And yet… there I am again. Another 50 feet down the fence. “This guy is stalking me!!!” Another 50 feet down the fence. And so on and so forth. I guess that’s why them bird brained.

Even though I have told my wife I was done with long runs… I keep finding myself drawn back to marathons. I’m like a bug to a bug zapper.

"Marathoning... you dip into the pain so gradually that the damage is done before you are aware of it. Unfortunately, when the awareness comes, it is excruciating." - John Farrington, Australian marathoner

I like that quote. A lot of my friends think long distance running would be just horrible… and well… it is… but not in the way you’d think. Horrible like a dead battery. Yeah. Horrible like being trapped in your car underwater? No. Oh… I forgot to mention the battery acid dripping on your legs.

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