My workouts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Phase #1 the cleanse

So in the 10 days since my last post, a lot has changed. My trendline is looking up. Sure my view is clouded by the multitude of symptoms from caffeine withdrawal, but headed in a positive direction. What will be at the end of this new path? I don't know exactly, but it will be something.

So here is what has changed so far, I quit caffeine and alcohol, and have only eaten one meal a day, while drinking veggie juice the rest. Results so far, 9 pounds of weight loss. It isn't a 'diet' as in "I am not trying to restrict my calorie intake to lose weight", it is a change of the way I eat, it is my new diet.

I haven't been hungry, but yes I have felt like shit, though I believe that mainly is from the caffeine withdrawal. Anything that can make you feel that bad when you stop using it, IS THAT BAD. Damn it coffee, you were a good friend and I knew thee well, but seriously, get over the breakup, I am not coming back, I will not be a slave to you ever again. In all seriousness, it should be illegal to put you in things just to get people addicted.

I have learned more about veggies and fruit in the past few weeks than the entire rest of my life. Veggies are the key to the new me. Veggie powered. Juice powered. Caffeine, alcohol, and hopefully soon 100% medicine free. This is the new me. Veggies *are* my medicine, veggies are my fuel.

As soon as the caffeine withdrawal subsides I will be back in the gym to start phase #2 (get in shape) and then phase #3 (start running) and then who the heck knows. I am may be all phased out by then. =)

I am not back, but I am coming back.

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