My workouts

Sunday, April 08, 2007

46 mile week

I just finished the highest mileage week of my training... 46 miles. Not only that... but I ran most of them pretty fast. The 23 miler I took it easy, but 3 of the next 4 runs were sub 8 minute miles. Then today... a relatively easy long run of 12 miles, at a pace of 8:30. I am thinking my marathon pace will be 8:47... but I really am not too sure.

Everything is looking good. My arches started to drop a bit this week, but I don't anticipate they will be a problem. My knee feels super, as does pretty much all my other parts. Well... except I rushed out on my run today without coating up with body glide, and after a few rain showers, my... um.... nipples got rubbed raw. OUCH! (Especially ouch in the shower after the run) Ah well... just another humbling and embarrassing lesson on the road to the last six miles.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I can't believe that you only have a little over two weeks before the big day. I am really excited for you! You've made it look easy so far...the last six miles will be all yours! We'll be rooting for you!